
June 2023

UNIQUE Newsletter

A Message from our COO - Mickey Diaz

Summer is here, and with it comes the opportunity to enjoy all the things we love about it, summer fruits, extra daylight, family outings, pools, lakes, beaches, fireworks, and great moments with our families. 

We hope you enjoy your summer to the fullest.


We are happy to report that despite industry-wide low volumes in Q1 2023, we are starting to see much-needed increases in forecasts and bookings from our customers, and we may even experience a slight PEAK SEASON.


It is important that we prepare to support and provide excellent service to our new and existing customers during this time. This is our time to show our customers why WE ARE UNIQUE!


Our mission is to “Deliver as Promised.”  To ensure our customers and employees have clear deliverables we further define DELIVER AS PROMISED:

  • Deliver on Time
  • Deliver timely and accurate documentation
  • Deliver timely and accurate billing
  • Deliver proactive information, communication, and solutions

In short, we want to “make it easy and effortless for customers to do business with UNIQUE”.


Ensuring we manage each and every shipment to our “Deliver as Promised” service criteria, will ensure they continue to choose UNIQUE as their logistics partner.

How UNIQUE is the Customer Experience we provide?

Voice of Customer


We are preparing to launch a Voice of Customer Survey in July. In this survey, we will ask customers to provide valuable feedback, on our Customer Service, our product performance, what they think UNIQUE can improve on, and what else they would like to see us offer.


Our customers will receive links to survey in US, India, and China. We will also provide the email advice to staff so that they can validate that it is not spam when customers ask.

Once all data is collected we will share the results throughout the company and take actions based on the Voice of Customers.



Potluck Showcase

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the May UNIQUE Food Potluck. Your participation, creativity, and enthusiasm made it an unforgettable experience. 


Below you will see how our potluck showcased a delightful array of comforting dishes that not only satisfied our taste buds but also warmed our hearts. From grandma's secret recipes to innovative twists on traditional favorites, the potluck was a feast of creativity and flavors.


We look forward to many more delicious adventures together!

NYC Office

ATL Office

Houston Office

LAX Office

Winners from each location

NYC Office


Best Dish - Visakha Jayasekara’s Puff Pastry

Best Dessert - Mike Ng’s Porguese Egg Tart


LAX Office 


Best Recipe & Taste - Monique McMillan’s Jalapeno Garlic Corn

Best Display - Maria Castillo’s Crispy Pasta


ATL Office


Best Dish - Liam Bogg’s Homemade Cocktail Meatballs

Best Desserts - Laurie Thompson’s Grandma’s Banana Pudding 


                                Hristina Karagjuleski’s Macedonian Chocolate Cake


Houston Office


Not only did the Houston office showcase their exceptional cooking talents, but they also demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by incorporating Earth Day into their potluck. This combination of delicious food and environmental consciousness truly set them apart.

LAX Contest and Winners


Winner of guess the number of pebbles in the bottle




Winner of Mind Teaser


Nobel & Angela

Work and Personal Insight

Why we procrastinate?


Is procrastinating a good thing? 


How do we manage procrastination?

"DIY" Tips and Tricks

With Spring and Summer cleaning, sometimes we think, "What could I use this for"? 


In our new section for our newsletter "DIY Tricks and Tips", we share ideas around DIY and tricks of repurposing items around your house. 


We would love to see how you repurpose items around your house.  Send your pictures to:  [email protected] for the next edition of our UNIQUE Newsletter.


Bob Johnson

Office Location: NYC

Sales Executive



Bob comes to UNIQUE with 33 years of experience in forwarding/logistics.  


Bob has been married for 32 years and is a HUGE Giants and Yankees fan.  In his spare time, Bob loves movies, reading and working out.


Side Note on Bob - Bob danced on stage at City Center with the Alvin Ailey Dance Group and blew off working a U2 concert at the club where he worked sounds back in 1981.  Why did Bob blow off the concert, well, it was their first US tour and he never heard of the band before.  Oops.


and in UNIQUE India NEWS…. 


Last month our India team held 2 days of training, specifically aimed at ensuring we develop our management teams to create positive environments for our employees!


Detailed information for training was provided and we hope to roll out in USA as well.


Empowering Our Team: POSH Awareness and Internal Committee Training


The objective of this training was to enhance understanding of the POSH Act and internal committee roles and responsibilities in order to promote a safe and respectful work environment. The agenda covered various important topics, including ICC formation and tenure, timelines of the inquiry, differentiation between harassment and sexual harassment, dealing with false and malicious complaints, the quasi-judicial nature of the IC, employer duties, time limits for filing complaints, quid pro quo situations, case studies, and possible recommendations for punishment in proven sexual harassment cases. The session concluded with a Q&A session and wrap-up.


Empowering Our Team: Unleashing the Power of Purpose-Driven Situational Leadership


The objective of this training was to empower our team with purpose-driven situational leadership skills. The agenda included an introduction, an ice-breaking activity, emphasis on purpose-driven and situational leadership, exploration of emotional intelligence, and a creative activity focusing on identifying each individual's big purpose within Unique Logistics. Case studies were also shared during the training, with notable examples related to the drive towards sustainability. The training provided valuable insights and practical tools to foster a purpose-driven and adaptable leadership culture.





Top Wins Last Month

To view notable sales from last month, click on the link below. 

Upcoming Events:  JUNE Pride Month Celebration at local offices

What do UNIQUE Employees Want?

At UNIQUE, we believe in putting our employees at the heart of everything we do. As we gear up for our next newsletter, we want to hear from you and ensure that our content aligns with your interests and provides the value you seek.


Your opinion matters, so we kindly request a few moments of your time to share your suggestions. By understanding your needs and expectations, we can curate a newsletter that truly resonates with you. Here are a few topics to consider.

  • Industry Insights and Trends
  • Expert Tips and Advice
  • Company News and Updates
  • Customer Success Stories
  • Interactive Content and Quizzes
  • Community Engagement and Social Impact


Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to let us know your preferences by clicking on the below button. We look forward to hearing from you and delivering a newsletter that exceeds your expectations.

Remember to Follow UNIQUE on LinkedIn
