Insightly Mobile App
Updated 1/9/2024
Insightly Mobile App
Updated 1/9/2024
The Insightly Mobile application is designed as a companion to the Insightly web application and contains the majority of features that are available on the web application.
Using the web application in conjunction with the mobile application creates a more cohesive Insightly experience reducing time spent entering data into CRM and provides one click access to making calls and sending emails to your clients and prospects.
Below you will find pictures and descriptions on ways to use the Insightly mobile application as well as the Insightly Knowledge Link to learn at your own pace. You will also find a video produced by Insightly from 2017. The UI Experience has changed, but the functionality remains the same.
Insightly's Mobile Application - Insightly Help Center
Download the Insightly CRM Application from your mobile store.
You will notice 2 applications available, Orange and Green.
Select the CRM Orange App as you will not have access to the Green Service Module in Insightly.
Insightly CRM on the App Store (
Insightly CRM - Apps on Google Play
Logging is as easy as using your Microsoft Log in credentials.
This is the same way you should be logging in via your laptop eliminating the frustration of having to remember passwords.
When logging in to Insightly, your home screen will be first to appear.
Select which Object you want to navigate to with the Menu Bars in the Top Left Corner
Click on any Object Name to view your Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Tasks or Companies. You can also sync your calendar to have all meetings in one place creating efficiency and data at your fingertips.
If you want to quickly add a new Contact, Company or any other Object, use the "+" Button.
Click on the email or phone buttons on the right side to Email,
Call or Text your contact directly from your phone.
No typing in phone numbers or email addresses.
If you have further questions, reach out to your manager for directions.