October 2023 Sales Achievements

Congratulations to the Sales Team for your hard work in securing new business last month. 

Ginger bringing the house down with some incredible flooring movement.  


The Ocean "Floor" won't be seeing All South Flooring's Shipments, as they will ride off into the sunset knowing their Cargo is in great hands UNIQUE. 


Good Stuff Ginger! 

Kum Kum brings another lost soul back to UNIQUE.  


You have been doing a great job over the past months utilizing your relationships and sales skills to target clients who once were, and now they are again. 


Amazing work Kum Kum.  

Gabriel supplying the roads of transportation for all things Paper.


Bringing in this Trucking Service client broadens the scope of UNIQUEness to our services. 


Great Win Gabriel  


Entering the Ring from the top rope, Shay bringing in a wrestler collectors dream come true!


Shay is taking these Wrestling Figures above the sea through the Air with an Amazing Win!


Great work Shay! 


Kadel Engineering has been a manufacturer of custom cryogenic equipment since 1976.


As of September 2023, Kadel is now a client of UNIQUE thanks to Mark G!


Mark, excellent job!

Jeff entering this month's sales stats board with the new client, Trademark Global. 


This global company is soaring with UNIQUES Air Import Service.


Congratulations Jeff!


Complete Hospitality Supply specializes in hotel and restaurant management, interior design, and project management.  


Sachin Specializes in shipping their material through the Air. 


Fantastic Win Sachin! 

Eugene is assisting Pacific Valley Foods in delivering their fresh produce worldwide.


Pacific Valley Foods will be partnering with UNIQUE for their EXPORT needs!


Congratulations, Eugene!

Ginger maintaining UNIQUEs partnership with Artisan and securing more business!


The Ocean is never too bumpy with Ginger as your captain.


Smooth Sailing Ginger!

Eugene looks to have a Farm feel to his Win this month. 


Eugene is helping Newfia export their Hay utilizing UNIQUEs Ocean Export service. 


Big Win here Eugene! 

W2 Trasport was having issues on where to store their cargo... 


Gabe made a brilliant suggestion....  Say, UNIQUE has a place for you to store your stuff at...."Contract Logistics / Warehouse". 


Bringing out all the services Gabe!  

The Outdoor Recreation Group is an international manufacturer and distributor of outdoor gear and accessories.


Gabriels sales work has now allowed UNIQUE to become the international Ocean Importer for TORG.


Gabe, good stuff!  

UNIQUE EMPLOYEES: Sales extend beyond the traditional sales team


Every interaction we have is an opportunity to showcase the value of our products and services. When we go above and beyond to assist a customer, we create a positive impression and build loyalty. When we collaborate effectively with our colleagues, we strengthen our internal relationships, which in turn positively impacts our external interactions.


Let us embrace our roles as ambassadors for UNIQUE, understanding that we are all responsible for driving sales and contributing to the growth of our organization. By aligning our efforts, sharing our knowledge, and supporting one another, we can collectively achieve extraordinary results.


Thank you for your dedication and for embracing the fact that we are all in sales. Let's continue to work together, inspire one another, and exceed our customers' expectations.