

Ensuring Sterility:  Ophthalmic Product Container Closure Integrity Testing


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

10:00 am EDT

(7am PDT, 3pm BST, 4pm CEST)

Join us for this webinar on

Container Closure Integrity Testing of Ophthalmic Products


Meet PTI's Presenters 

Jeff Morrow-Lucas

Project Manager Helium Solutions 

Tyler Harris

BD Application Engineering Manager

This 1 hour webinar will cover the following topic:


Container closure integrity (CCI) testing is a critical quality assurance measure in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly for ophthalmic products.


These products, which are used to treat sensitive and delicate eye tissues, must be maintained in a sterile and contaminant-free state to ensure patient safety and therapeutic efficacy. Even for non-sterile products, the prevention of debris and bacterial ingress is of utmost importance. Together we will work to better understand ophthalmic packaging critical quality attributes and selection of the most effective test methods throughout the products life cycle.


Join us as we venture through the ins and outs of package integrity for ophthalmic drug products, taking a deep dive into Helium Leak Detection and Vacuum Decay methods. This webinar will offer:  

  • Live Demonstrations
  • Technology Overviews
  • Live Q&A

All PTI webinars are recorded for on-demand viewing. 

Register Here:


Packaging Technologies & Inspection

PTI offers inspection systems for package leak testing, seal integrity and container closure integrity testing (CCIT). Our technologies exclude subjectivity from package testing, and use test methods that conform to ASTM standards. PTI's inspection technologies are deterministic test methods that produce quantitative test result data. We specialize in offering the entire solution including test method development and equipment validation.