To take control of your finances is to be in the drivers seat with both hands on the steer.

Watch this webinar to see exactly how you can steer yourself into financial wellbeing.  This webinar will assist you in facing your reality, give you guidance in setting achievable goals for the future and empower you to help you on your journey to a better financial future.

Let's start

This webinar was proudly hosted by our Retirement Benefit Counsellor Khwathelani Mudau.


We further invite you to book a one-on-one session with any of our Benefit Counsellors to assess your retirement policy to ensure that you can indeed retire comfortably.

If you would like more information about the sessions, you can contact your retirement benefit counselling service by calling 0860 44 43 40 (Sharecall) or 011 505 1565, or you can send an email to [email protected].